Saturday, September 16, 2006

Nas' Ex Speaks about her Relationship with Jaz-Z

OK this girl no woman, cuz her azz looks old is seriously confused. She trys to justify sleeping with Jay-Z while she was with Nas by saying, you can't help who you fall in love with. The one point she forgets is you sure as hell can help how you fuck with when you got someone. Ok I digress, the history part of the drama with Jay-Z and Nas was fueled in part by her sleeping with Jay-Z while she was with Nas. Jay-Z blew it up in one of his battle raps against Nas. Damn this is sad for her, Jay-Z used her to get at Nas and yet she is delusional to the point in thinking that Jay-Z had some type of feelings for her WOW and if you believe it took a year for Jay-Z to hit I got a bridge I want to sell you in brooklyn. This chick is seriously on some kind of medication. Then she makes it worse by telling us she slept with Allen Iverson while he was married.

Ok let us assume she is a ho. As human beings you are at least suppose to learn from your mistakes at the end she says she would change anything she did and do it again in a heartbeat. I feel for her child someone call CPS. Damn I had to stop it right there take a look at it and judge for your self.

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